We have several Bible studies that meet during the week:

Sundays at 10 AM we have an adult Sunday School class.  In this class, we study books of the Bible or topics that our relevant to our walk with Jesus.  Right now, we are studying the book of Romans together.

Wednesdays at 10:30 AM we have a Ladies' BIble Study.  Ladies gather here to study the Bible together and to grow in their walk with Jesus.  

1st and 3rd Saturdays at 8 AM (September-June) we have a Men's Breakfast and Bible Study.  We address Bible topics relevant to men and help encourage one another and keep one another accountable.  We have some laughs too!!

1st and 3rd Saturdays at 10:00 AM (September-June) we have Ladies' Fellowship.  Women study the Bible together and form friendships to encourage each other in their walk with the Lord.